Saturday, April 17, 2010

One of my Favorite Quotes

In one of my favorite movies I love this quote......"It's not that God allows bad things to happen, it's his promise that he'll be there with us when they do.." I think that quote is so inspiring and just so comforting.

-Amy :)

-(This quote is used in the movie- "Love Comes Softly".)


  1. A good quote indeed! Greetings, I have been a follower of your sister's blog for some time now, and would by default be a follower of any of her siblings, just because of her, but then I saw that you are very politcally minded, and so I am following yours as well! I can very easily sense your strong and willful stance under the Word of God and that is totally awesome. Tempered of course by love and mercy and grace, haha. I look forward to seeing what God has in store for you here. Feel free to stop by my blog and follow if you like -

    Go with God, my dear sister in Christ!

    ~ Christ-Blade

  2. Hello, Thank you very much for your support! :)
