Ladies and gentlemen, in this segment, I would like to share this experience. Riding a bike. Ah,.........riding a bike. You put your helmet on. You try to swing your leg over to sit on the seat. You swing it all right,........and you then soon think to yourself....."I think I'm going down..." .....yeah. So after you crash to the ground.....you take a moment to get over your shock. Then later after ten more attempts, you finally succeed. Your riding down the hill. "Ahhh, that beautiful breeze......." (Going faster)..."Wow I'm goin' good!".....(Faster)....."yeah!!!!!!!!!!!"....(About 70 miles per hour)....."uhh"........eehheeeeee......(airplane speed)......."HELP!!!!!!"........(jet speed)......"Our God who art in heaven how would be thy name........thy kingdom come...thy will be done..............."AAA!!!!" After your face is one with the tree, you try to stand.....aahhh...(feeling yourself) OK,..nothing broken...ahh..well..Yeah, so nothing is broken except your bike. So you and your injured ego squeak back home on your deformed bike. Only one petal is left....your front tire is a triangle.....and you have to lean to the left side to stay on the bike....you come pedaling home...your helmet split like a melon...but....25 years later someone walks up to that tree and sees it..... now your face shape is now a monument and above it is a sign that reads......"Don't Drink and Drive."
Thank you all!
Amy, if I recall (and I certainly do) I've already picked you up after such a ride once to get stitches... your nightmares are mine also. ;) ~Dad~