\How can we comprehend the horror of that day? How can we even begin to imagine what that day was like? And how can we thank those who were there that day?...and are still with us today.....and those that have never come out of the Harbors shallow waters. How brave must one be to know that they would die that day and still fight with every ounce of courage that man can possess?

70 years ago today....2,402 lives were lost. This including soldiers, men, women, and children. The nation was saddened....only long enough to become angry......The Japanese had awoken a "sleeping giant".....and they knew it. America came together to avenge what had been taken from them......Taken but not lost....

On December 7, 1941 America wept...brave souls perished beneath the waves. How can we....the next generation even begin to understand the pain, the heartache,and the blood.....that America bore as well as gave?

The ear piercing sound of the bombs.....the spine tingling sound of the air planes above....and the heart breaking sound of each scream......That day, over 1,000 brave men gave there lives for the country they held dear.....a country they knew was worth dying for..."..the land of the free, and the home of the brave....." Brave they had been...and stronger America would become.

Now all is quiet......but...the voices of those who had fought that day...still echo in the souls of our generation to this very day.......and I wish to Honor them now...and thank them for their courage....and to let them know that they have not been forgotten.....nor any other Veterans of World War 2...Also at this time would like to Honor my Grandfathers...who served in WWII. One in the Navy and the other in The Army Air Force.

Thank you all.